NEVO works according to international accepted guidelines.
The food data compilation process adheres to internationally accepted standards, as described in the EuroFIR (European Food Information Resource) Quality Management System and the EuroFIR generic flow chart for food data compilation (Castanheira I et al., 2009; Westenbrink S et al., 2009*) is followed. This way, the work is standardised as far as possible and data are quality assured.
Dat sources are documented acording to the EuroFIR value documentation. The database management system is FoodCASE, which is advised to use for food composition tables in Eruope.
Data from NEVO Online is also available in the FoodEXplorer from EuroFIR, to compare food composition data from several countries. Products in NEVO are coded in LanguaL. This is an international coding system of foods, so you can recognise the food even if you do not understand the language of that food composition table. This way you can easily compare data from different countries and be able to judge the quality of the data.
* Castanheira I, Roe M, Westenbrink S, Ireland J, Møller A, Salvini S, et al. Establishing quality management systems for European food composition databases. Food Chemistry 2009;113:776-80.
Westenbrink S, Oseredczuk M, Castanheira I, Roe M. Food composition databases: The EuroFIR approach to develop tools to assure the quality of the data compilation process. Food Chemistry 2009;113:759-67.