Difficult choices for a healthy future are unavoidable

Overweight will continue to increase until 2050, especially among young adults

Doubling of people with dementia and arthrosis by 2050

RIVM identifies three major challenges for public health and healthcare in period to 2050

COVID-19 consequences impact vulnerable groups more in the long term
The effects of the COVID-19 crisis have a greater impact on vulnerable groups in society, such as lower-educated adults, young people, the elderly and people with underlying health problems.

First products Dutch Public Health Foresight study available in English
In 2017, RIVM launched a Trend Scenario, as well as three thematic reports about the future demand for health care, technology and wider determinants of health.

Trend scenario PHF- 2018 identifies societal challenges for the future
If historical trends continue unchanged, dementia will be the leading cause of disease burden in 2040 and the main cause of death.

RIVM presents four scenarios on future public health at European Health Forum Gastein
On the first day of the 17th European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG), the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) organises a workshop on ‘Our health in 2040’.

RIVM forecasting study: a healthier Netherlands with more people living with a chronic disease
Dutch people are reaching an increasingly advanced age: in 2030, the life expectancy of men will be 82 years, and of women, 85.

Thematic report Public Health Status and Forecast 2014
The number of chronically ill people in the Netherlands has been increasing.