There is a great deal of scientific information about heat and health. We have created a list of the most relevant information.
- RIVM website about heat The RIVM website shows a variety of animations and infographics about heat.
- KNMI website with an explanation of the weather forecast, heat and alerts (including current alerts).
- Municipal Public Health Services guideline on heat and health More information about the health effects of heat and possible measures. This guideline for Municipal Public Health Services workers offer a great deal of background information and practical tips. The guideline was created in 2023 by a working group made up of employees of the Municipal Public Health Services, RIVM, KNMI and VU Amsterdam. (RIVM 2023)
- Local Heatwave Guideline This guideline can help the municipality, the security region and/or the Municipal Public Health Services draw up a local heatwave plan together with the relevant parties. The guideline was created in 2019 by the Public Health Service of Central Gelderland and the consultancy firm Faya and was commissioned by the National Climate Adaptation Strategies (NAS) team of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.
- National Water and Climate Knowledge and Innovation Programme (KNWK) A study of heat in residential homes. A desk-research study collected existing knowledge on how specific regions, buildings and users influence the heat within a home. It also put together potential measures to limit these influences. The corresponding guideline is a tool and overview for municipalities and housing corporations. Tauw, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Arcadis, Rigo and RIVM carried out the desk research and created the guideline in 2021.
- Heat menu for the built environment This menu makes it possible for municipalities to see at a glance the steps they can take and which measures they can implement together with other parties to combat heat. New insights and new measures are added to the menu each year. The heat menu was developed by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), together with the Netherlands Climate Alliance, Tauw and &Flux.
- Heat: practical advice This brochure gives information on the effectiveness of the most common behavioural advice and an overview of measures to combat heat. Bodies such as municipalities and Municipal Public Health Services can use this resource to give recommendations on coping with heat. This project by the Academic Collaborative Centre for a Healthy Living Environment was completed in 2021. It was a partnership between the Public Health Service of Central Gelderland, Radboud UMC, RIVM and VU Amsterdam that was carried out with support from the Dutch Red Cross, the Netherlands Climate Alliance, the municipality of Harderwijk, the Public Health Service of North and East Gelderland and the Public Health Service of Amsterdam.
- Heat and health in the WHO European Region Updated evidence for effective prevention. The content of this publication includes what we know about how heat affects human health. WHO, 2021.