Title Authors Reportnumber
20th EURL-Salmonella interlaboratory comparison study (2015) on typing of Salmonella spp Jacobs-Reitsma W.F., Maas H.M.E., Bouw E., Mooijman K.A. 2016-0043
21st EURL-Salmonella interlaboratory comparison study (2016) on typing of Salmonella spp Jacobs-Reitsma W.F., Verbruggen A., Bouw E., Mooijman K.A. 2017-0082
22nd EURL-Salmonella interlaboratory comparison study (2017) on typing of Salmonella spp Jacobs-Reitsma W.F., Verbruggen A., Bouw E., Mooijman K.A. 2018-0022
Annual report Surveillance of influenza and other respiratory infections: Winter 2017/2018 Reukers D.F.M., van Asten L., Brandsema P.S., Dijkstra F., Donker G.A., van Gageldonk-Lafeber A.B., Hooiveld M., de Lange M.M.A., Marbus S., Teirlinck A.C., Meijer A., van der Hoek W. 2018-0049
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in waste water and manure - workshops on possible management measures (report in Dutch, English synopsis) Schmitt H., Mennen M.G., de Roda Husman A.M. 2018-0115
Bacteriophages : Current knowledge, research and applications (report in Dutch, English synopsis) David S., Bijkerk P., van der Vlugt C., Beishuizen B. 2018-0044
Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) in hospital waste water (report in Dutch, English synopsis) Schmitt H., Blaak H., Kemper M.A., de Rijk S.E., van de Schans M., de Roda Husman A.M. 2018-0114
Disease burden of food-related pathogens in the Netherlands, 2017 Mangen M.J., Friesema I.H.M., Pijnacker R., Mughini Gras L., van Pelt W. 2018-0037
Generic Guidance to Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for Food and Water Teunis P., Schijven J.F. 2017-0188
Herpes zoster in the Netherlands Background information for the Health Council van Lier E.A., de Melker H.E. 2018-0110
Immunisation coverage and annual report National Immunisation Programme in the Netherlands 2017 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) van Lier E.A., Geraedts J.L.E., Oomen P.J., Giesbers H., van Vliet J.A., Drijfhout I.H., Zonnenberg-Hoff I.F., de Melker H.E. 2018-0008
Incidence of food-related outbreaks : in the Netherlands, 2017 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) Friesema I.H.M., Slegers-Fitz-James I.A., Wit B., Franz E. 2018-0088
Microbiological risk assessment of the egg production chain : Background study to provide input for a comprehensive risk assessment of the egg production chain by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) (report in Dutch, English synopsis) Bolder N.M., van den End S., Bouwknegt M., Mughini Gras L., Swart A.N., Opsteegh M., Rockx B., van Pelt W., Aarts H.J.M., van de Giessen A.W. 2015-0122
National Action Plan on STIs, HIV and Sexual Health : 2017-2022 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) David S., van Benthem B. , Deug F., van Haastrecht P. 2018-0034
National Action Plan on STIs, HIV and Sexual Health : 2017-2022 David S., van Benthem B. , Deug F., van Haastrecht P. 2017-0158
NethMap 2018: Consumption of antimicrobial agents and antimicrobial resistance among medically important bacteria in the Netherlands / MARAN 2018: Monitoring of Antimicrobial Resistance and Antibiotic Usage in Animals in the Netherlands in 2017 de Greeff S.C., Mouton J.W. 2018-0046
No link between organisational changes in youth healthcare services and the trend in vaccination levels from 2013 to 2017 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) Quee F.A., Mollema L., van Vliet J.A., de Melker H.E., van Lier E.A. 2018-0111
Sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands in 2017 Visser M., van Aar F., Op de Coul E.L.M., Slurink I.A.L., van Wees D.A., Hoenderboom B.M., den Daas C., Woestenberg P.J., Götz H.M., van Sighem A.I., Nielen M., van Benthem B.H.B. 2018-0012
State of infectious diseases in the Netherlands, 2017 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) de Gier B., Mooij S.H., Hahne S.J.M. 2018-0032
State of Zoonotic Diseases 2017 (report in Dutch, English synopsis) Uiterwijk M., Keur I., Friesema I., Rozendaal H., Holtslag M., van den Kerkhof H., Kortbeek T., Maassen K. 2018-0112
Study on ESBL-producing bacteria among vegetarians and non-vegetarians : the Vega Study (report in Dutch, English synopsis) Dierikx C., van Duijkeren E., Gijsbers E., van Hoek A., Hengeveld P., Veenman C., de Greeff S., Meijs A. 2017-0150
Research on pathogens in dairy goat and dairy sheep farms (report in Dutch, English synopsis) Opsteegh M., van Roon A., Wit B., Hagen-Lenselink R., van Duijkeren E., Dierikx C., Hengeveld P., Franz E., Bouw E., van der Meij A., van Hoek A., van der Giessen J. 2018-0059
The 20th EU European Union (European Union ) Interlaboratory comparison study in primary production (2017) Detection of Salmonella in chicken faeces Pol-Hofstad I.E., Mooijman K.A. 2017-0083
The 22nd EURL-Salmonella workshop29 and 30 May 2017, Zaandam, the Netherlands Mooijman K.A. 2017-0080
The combined EURL-Salmonella interlaboratory comparison study for Food and Primary production (2017) Detection of Salmonella in hygiene swabs Pol-Hofstad I.E., Mooijman K.A. 2018-0021
The microbiological water quality in semi-public swimming ponds (report in Dutch, English synopsis) Schets F.M., Lynch G., de Rijk S., Schijven J.F. 2018-0048
The National Immunisation Programme in the NetherlandsSurveillance and developments in 2017-2018 Schurink-van 't Klooster T.M., de Melker H.E. 2018-0124
Towards a policy decision on Aedes japonicusRisk assessment of Aedes japonicus in the Netherlands Stroo A., Ibanez-Justicia A., Braks M. 2018-0091
Tuberculosis in the Netherlands 2017 : Surveillance report - including a report on monitoring interventions (report in Dutch, English synopsis) Slump E., Blijboom L., Bregman I.M., Erkens C.G.M., van Hunen R., Schimmel H.J., van Soolingen D., de Vries G. 2018-0143
Whooping cough vaccination of pregnant women and the vaccination schedule for their babies. Adjustment needed? (report in Dutch, English synopsis) Rots N. 2018-0176
Zoonotic pathogens in raccoon dogs and raccoons in the Netherlands (report in Dutch, English synopsis) Maas M., Mulder J., Montizaan M., Dam-Deisz W.D.C., Jaarsma R.I., Takumi K., van Roon A., Franssen F.F.J., van der Giessen J.W.B. 2017-0200