- Veehouderij en gezondheid omwonenden (VGO-III). Actualisatie epidemiologische studies 2014-2019Onderzoek naar longontstekingen rond geitenhouderijen 2018-2024
- Longontsteking in de nabijheid van geitenhouderijen in Noord-Brabant en Limburg. Actualisering van gegevens uit huisartspraktijken 2017 – 2019 (2021)
- Rapport Veehouderij en Gezondheid Omwonenden in Utrecht, Gelderland en Overijssel (2020)
- Publicatie VGO3: Longontsteking in de nabijheid van geiten- en pluimveehouderijen; actualisering van gegevens uit huisartspraktijken 2014 - 2016 (2018)
- Rapport 'Veehouderij en gezondheid omwonenden - aanvullende studies' (2017)
- Rapport 'Veehouderij gezondheid en omwonenden' (2016)
Hieronder vind je een lijst met externe wetenschappelijke publicaties over VGO (Livestock farming and the health of local residents).
Let op: sommige publicaties zijn alleen te bereiken door middel van inlog of betaling.
- Roof, I., A.G. van Gageldonk-Lafeber, T.P. Zomer, Y.M. Vermeeren, P.C. Wever, W. van der Hoek. Identified micro-organisms in hospitalized community-acquired pneumonia patients living near goat and poultry farms. Pneumonia 13 (2021): art.no. 13
- Baliatsas, C., F. Borlee, C. E. van Dijk, B. van der Star, J. P. Zock, L. A. M. Smit, P. Spreeuwenberg, D. Heederik, and C. J. Yzermans. "Comorbidity and Coexisting Symptoms and Infections Presented in General Practice by Copd Patients: Does Livestock Density in the Residential Environment Play a Role?" Int J Hyg Environ Health 220, no. 4 (Jun 2017): 704-10.
- Baliatsas, C., L. A. M. Smit, M. L. A. Duckers, C. E. van Dijk, D. Heederik, and C. J. Yzermans. "Patients with Overlapping Diagnoses of Asthma and Copd: Is Livestock Exposure a Risk Factor for Comorbidity and Coexisting Symptoms and Infections?" BMC Pulm Med 19, no. 1 (Jun 10 2019): 105.
- Boers, D., L. Geelen, H. Erbrink, L. A. Smit, D. Heederik, M. Hooiveld, C. J. Yzermans, M. Huijbregts, and I. M. Wouters. "The Relation between Modeled Odor Exposure from Livestock Farming and Odor Annoyance among Neighboring Residents." Int Arch Occup Environ Health 89, no. 3 (Apr 2016): 521-30.
- Borlée, Floor, C. Joris Yzermans, Floor S. M. Oostwegel, François Schellevis, Dick Heederik, Lidwien A. M. Smit, and VGO Consortium. "Attitude toward Livestock Farming Does Not Influence the Earlier Observed Association between Proximity to Goat Farms and Self-Reported Pneumonia." 3, no. 2 (2019): e041.
- Borlee, F., C. J. Yzermans, B. Aalders, J. Rooijackers, E. Krop, C. B. M. Maassen, F. Schellevis, B. Brunekreef, D. Heederik, and L. A. M. Smit. "Air Pollution from Livestock Farms Is Associated with Airway Obstruction in Neighboring Residents." Am J Respir Crit Care Med 196, no. 9 (Nov 1 2017): 1152-61.
- Borlee, F., C. J. Yzermans, E. Krop, B. Aalders, J. Rooijackers, J. P. Zock, C. E. van Dijk, C. B. Maassen, F. Schellevis, D. Heederik, and L. A. Smit. "Spirometry, Questionnaire and Electronic Medical Record Based Copd in a Population Survey: Comparing Prevalence, Level of Agreement and Associations with Potential Risk Factors." PLoS (Plos One) One 12, no. 3 (2017): e0171494.
- Borlee, F., C. J. Yzermans, E. J. M. Krop, C. B. M. Maassen, F. G. Schellevis, D. J. J. Heederik, and L. A. M. Smit. "Residential Proximity to Livestock Farms Is Associated with a Lower Prevalence of Atopy." Occup Environ Med 75, no. 6 (Jun 2018): 453-60.
- Borlee, F., C. J. Yzermans, C. E. van Dijk, D. Heederik, and L. A. Smit. "Increased Respiratory Symptoms in Copd Patients Living in the Vicinity of Livestock Farms." Eur Respir J 46, no. 6 (Dec 2015): 1605-14.
- de Rooij, M. M. T., L. A. M. Smit, H. J. Erbrink, T. J. Hagenaars, G. Hoek, N. W. M. Ogink, A. Winkel, D. J. J. Heederik, and I. M. Wouters. "Endotoxin and Particulate Matter Emitted by Livestock Farms and Respiratory Health Effects in Neighboring Residents." Environ Int 132 (Nov 2019): 105009.
- Freidl, G. S., I. T. Spruijt, F. Borlee, L. A. Smit, A. B. van Gageldonk-Lafeber, D. J. Heederik, J. Yzermans, C. E. van Dijk, C. B. Maassen, and W. van der Hoek. "Livestock-Associated Risk Factors for Pneumonia in an Area of Intensive Animal Farming in the Netherlands." PLoS One 12, no. 3 (2017): e0174796.
- Hooiveld, M., L. A. M. Smit, F. van der Sman-de Beer, I. M. Wouters, C. E. van Dijk, P. Spreeuwenberg, D. J. J. Heederik, and C. J. Yzermans. "Doctor-Diagnosed Health Problems in a Region with a High Density of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: A Cross-Sectional Study." Environ Health 15 (Feb 17 2016): 24.
- Hooiveld, M., C. van Dijk, F. van der Sman-de Beer, L. A. Smit, M. Vogelaar, I. M. Wouters, D. J. Heederik, and C. J. Yzermans. "Odour Annoyance in the Neighbourhood of Livestock Farming - Perceived Health and Health Care Seeking Behaviour." Ann Agric Environ Med 22, no. 1 (2015): 55-61.
- Kalkowska, D. A., G. J. Boender, L. A. M. Smit, C. Baliatsas, J. Yzermans, D. J. J. Heederik, and T. J. Hagenaars. "Associations between Pneumonia and Residential Distance to Livestock Farms over a Five-Year Period in a Large Population-Based Study." PLoS One 13, no. 7 (2018): e0200813.
- Klous, G., L. A. M. Smit, F. Borlee, R. A. Coutinho, M. E. E. Kretzschmar, D. J. J. Heederik, and A. Huss. "Mobility Assessment of a Rural Population in the Netherlands Using Gps Measurements." Int J Health Geogr 16, no. 1 (Aug 9 2017): 30.
- Klous, G., L. A. M. Smit, G. S. Freidl, F. Borlee, W. van der Hoek, I. Jzermans CJ, M. E. E. Kretzschmar, D. J. J. Heederik, R. A. Coutinho, and A. Huss. "Pneumonia Risk of People Living Close to Goat and Poultry Farms - Taking Gps Derived Mobility Patterns into Account." Environ Int 115 (Jun 2018): 150-60.
- Pijnacker, R., J. Reimerink, L. A. M. Smit, A. B. van Gageldonk-Lafeber, J. P. Zock, F. Borlee, J. Yzermans, D. J. J. Heederik, C. B. M. Maassen, and W. van der Hoek. "Remarkable Spatial Variation in the Seroprevalence of Coxiella Burnetii after a Large Q Fever Epidemic." BMC Infect Dis 17, no. 1 (Nov 21 2017): 725.
- Post, P. M., L. Hogerwerf, A. Huss, R. Petie, G. J. Boender, C. Baliatsas, E. Lebret, D. Heederik, T. J. Hagenaars, I. Jzermans CJ, and L. A. M. Smit. "Risk of Pneumonia among Residents Living near Goat and Poultry Farms During 2014-2016." PLoS One 14, no. 10 (2019): e0223601.
- Smit, Lidwien A. M. and Dick Heederik. "Impacts of Intensive Livestock Production on Human Health in Densely Populated Regions." 1, no. 7 (2017): 272-77.
- Smit, L. A., M. Hooiveld, F. van der Sman-de Beer, A. W. Opstal-van Winden, J. Beekhuizen, I. M. Wouters, C. J. Yzermans, and D. Heederik. "Air Pollution from Livestock Farms, and Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis and Copd among Neighbouring Residents." Occup Environ Med 71, no. 2 (Feb 2014): 134-40.
- Smit, L. A. M., G. J. Boender, W. A. A. de Steenhuijsen Piters, T. J. Hagenaars, E. G. W. Huijskens, J. W. A. Rossen, M. Koopmans, G. Nodelijk, E. A. M. Sanders, J. Yzermans, D. Bogaert, and D. Heederik. "Increased Risk of Pneumonia in Residents Living near Poultry Farms: Does the Upper Respiratory Tract Microbiota Play a Role?" Pneumonia (Nathan) 9 (2017): 3.
- Smit, L. A., F. van der Sman-de Beer, A. W. Opstal-van Winden, M. Hooiveld, J. Beekhuizen, I. M. Wouters, J. Yzermans, and D. Heederik. "Q Fever and Pneumonia in an Area with a High Livestock Density: A Large Population-Based Study." PLoS One 7, no. 6 (2012): e38843.
- van der Star, B. J., C. E. van Dijk, J. P. Zock, L. A. M. Smit, C. Baliatsas, D. J. J. Heederik, and C. J. Yzermans. "Healthcare Utilisation Prior to the Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and the Influence of Livestock Exposure: A Longitudinal Case-Control Study." PLoS One 13, no. 4 (2018): e0195305.
- van Dijk, C. E., L. A. Smit, M. Hooiveld, J. P. Zock, I. M. Wouters, D. J. Heederik, and C. J. Yzermans. "Associations between Proximity to Livestock Farms, Primary Health Care Visits and Self-Reported Symptoms." BMC Fam Pract 17 (Feb 19 2016): 22.
- van Dijk, C. E., J. Garcia-Aymerich, A. E. Carsin, L. A. Smit, F. Borlee, D. J. Heederik, G. A. Donker, C. J. Yzermans, and J. P. Zock. "Risk of Exacerbations in Copd and Asthma Patients Living in the Neighbourhood of Livestock Farms: Observational Study Using Longitudinal Data." Int J Hyg Environ Health 219, no. 3 (May 2016): 278-87.
- van Dijk, C. E., J. P. Zock, C. Baliatsas, L. A. M. Smit, F. Borlee, P. Spreeuwenberg, D. Heederik, and C. J. Yzermans. "Health Conditions in Rural Areas with High Livestock Density: Analysis of Seven Consecutive Years." Environ Pollut 222 (Mar 2017): 374-82.
- van Duijkeren, E., C. C. H. Wielders, C. M. Dierikx, Aham van Hoek, P. Hengeveld, C. Veenman, A. Florijn, A. Lotterman, L. A. M. Smit, J. T. van Dissel, C. B. M. Maassen, and S. C. de Greeff. "Long-Term Carriage of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia Coli and Klebsiella Pneumoniae in the General Population in the Netherlands." Clin Infect Dis 66, no. 9 (Apr 17 2018): 1368-76.
- van Gageldonk-Lafeber, A. B., W. van der Hoek, F. Borlee, D. J. Heederik, S. H. Mooi, C. B. Maassen, C. J. Yzermans, B. Rockx, L. A. Smit, and J. H. Reimerink. "Hepatitis E Virus Seroprevalence among the General Population in a Livestock-Dense Area in the Netherlands: A Cross-Sectional Population-Based Serological Survey." BMC Infect Dis 17, no. 1 (Jan 5 2017): 21.
- Wielders, C. C. H., Aham van Hoek, P. D. Hengeveld, C. Veenman, C. M. Dierikx, T. P. Zomer, L. A. M. Smit, W. van der Hoek, D. J. Heederik, S. C. de Greeff, C. B. M. Maassen, and E. van Duijkeren. "Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase- and Pampc-Producing Enterobacteriaceae among the General Population in a Livestock-Dense Area." Clin Microbiol Infect 23, no. 2 (Feb 2017): 120 e1-20 e8.
- Zomer, T. P., V. A. N. Duijkeren E, C. C. H. Wielders, C. Veenman, P. Hengeveld, Van Der Hoek W, D. E. Greeff SC, L. A. M. Smit, D. J. Heederik, C. J. Yzermans, E. J. Kuijper, and C. B. M. Maassen. "Prevalence and Risk Factors for Colonization of Clostridium Difficile among Adults Living near Livestock Farms in the Netherlands." Epidemiol Infect 145, no. 13 (Oct 2017): 2745-49.
- Zomer, T. P., C. C. Wielders, C. Veenman, P. Hengeveld, W. van der Hoek, S. C. de Greeff, L. A. Smit, D. J. Heederik, C. J. Yzermans, T. Bosch, C. B. Maassen, and E. van Duijkeren. "Mrsa in Persons Not Living or Working on a Farm in a Livestock-Dense Area: Prevalence and Risk Factors." J Antimicrob Chemother 72, no. 3 (Mar 1 2017): 893-99.