Op deze webpagina publiceren we een overzicht van publicaties over tabaks- en nicotineproducten. De publicaties zijn gerangschikt op type en jaartal van verschijning, de taal is Nederlands of Engels.

RIVM uitgaven: Rapporten
Titel Uitgifte
Advieslijst met verboden toegevoegde stoffen in tabaksproducten en e-sigaretten 2023
Gezondheidseffecten van de 23 smaakstoffen in vloeistoffen voor e-sigaretten(PDF) 2022
Tabaksaccessoires. Producten die tabak aantrekkelijk maken(PDF) 2022
Smaakbepalende additieven in vloeistoffen voor e-sigaretten: een voorstel voor een limitatieve lijst(PDF) 2021
Nicotineproducten zonder tabak voor recreatief gebruik 2021
Alternatieve tabaksproducten: harm reduction? : Tabaks- en aanverwante producten die mogelijk minder schadelijk zijn dan sigaretten  2016
De gezondheidsrisico's van e-sigaretten voor omstanders 2016
Additieven in Nederlandse tabaksproducten : Trendanalyse gegevens 2010-2014 2016
De gezondheidsrisico's van het gebruik van e-sigaretten (Engels rapport, Nederlandse samenvatting) 2015
Additieven in Nederlandse tabaksproducten : Trendanalyse gegevens 2010-2013 2015
Speciatie van metalen en metalloïden in tabak en tabaksrook : Implicaties voor gezondheid en regulering (Engels rapport, Nederlandse samenvatting) 2015
De gezondheidsrisico's van het gebruik van e-sigaretten 2015
Detectiemethoden ter ondersteuning bij de handhaving van het rookverbod 2014
Additieven in Nederlandse tabaksproducten : analyse van de gegevens over 2011 2013
Publieksinformatie over additieven in tabaksproducten : the right to know  2013
Additieven in Nederlandse tabaksproducten : Analyse van de gegevens over 2010  2012
Rapportage en regelgeving van tabaksingrediënten : Een vergelijking van Nederland met andere landen  2012
Risicobeoordeling van tabaksadditieven en rookcomponenten: een voorstel voor een methode (Engels rapport, Nederlandse samenvatting) 2012
Herziening EU-Tabaksproductrichtlijn 2001/37/EG  2012
Zwerfrook en alternatieven voor rookruimten 2010
Zwerfrook en alternatieven voor rookruimten. Bijlagen 1 tot en met 5 bij  340004001/2010 2010
Wat rookt de Nederlandse jeugd en waarom?  2009
Handhaving van een rookvrij binnenmilieu (PDF) 2009
Het effect van rookverboden op de incidentie van hart- en vaatziekten (PDF) 2009
Ranking van drugs. Een vergelijking van de schadelijkheid van drugs  2009
Nadelige gezondheidseffecten van sigarettenrook: aldehyden Crotonaldehyde, butyraldehyde, hexanal en malonaldehyde (Engels rapport, Nederlandse samenvatting) 2006
Reductie van blootstelling aan omgevingstabaksrook in de horeca door ventilatie en luchtreiniging  2004
Het gezondheids- en verslavingsrisico van het gebruik van de glycyrrhizinezuur component van zoethoutwortel in tabaksproducten (Engels rapport, Nederlandse samenvatting) 2003
Nicotine verslaving (Engels rapport, Nederlandse samenvatting) 2003
Vergelijking van gemeten NH4 gehalte en NO emissie met opgegeven teer en nicotine waarden van honderd sigarettenmerken (Engels rapport, Nederlandse samenvatting) 2003
De bijdrage van cacao aan sigarettenrookverslaving (Engels rapport, Nederlandse samenvatting) 2003
De gezondheids- en verslavende effecten van blootstelling aan aldehyden in sigarettenrook. Deel 1; Acetaldehyde, Formaldehyde, Acroleïne and Propionaldehyde (Engels rapport, Nederlandse samenvatting) 2003


Wetenschappelijke artikelen
Titel Uitgifte

Alterations in the molecular regulation of mitochondrial metabolism in human alveolar epithelial cells in response to cigarette- and heated tobacco product emissions


On the extension of the use of a standard operating procedure for nicotine, glycerol and propylene glycol analysis in e-liquids using mass spectrometry

Coolants, organic acids, flavourings and other additives that facilitate inhalation of tobacco and nicotine products: implications for regulation 2024
Determination of Nicotine Protonation State in E-Liquids by Low-Resolution Benchtop NMR Spectroscopy 2024
Urgent health concerns: Clinical issues associated with accidental ingestion of new metal-blade-containing sticks for heated tobacco products 2024
Preventing and countering the interference of tobacco industry: Recommendations from the Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2 2024
Secondhand smoke exposure in public outdoor spaces in the Netherlands: The stronger the smell, the more exposure to nicotine 2024
Across the world availability of flavour accessories for tobacco products 2024
In Vitro Assessment of Translocation and Toxicological Effects of Nicotine and Ethyl Maltol from e-Cigarettes Using Air–Liquid Interface-Cultured Bronchial Epithelial Cells 2024
Menthol and related compounds in waterpipe products 2024
Context matters: Neural processing of food-flavored e-cigarettes and the influence of smoking 2024
An ingredient co-occurrence network gives insight into e-liquid flavor complexity 2024
Impact of more intense smoking parameters and flavor variety on toxicant levels in emissions of a Heated Tobacco Product 2023
Circumventing cigarette regulation: product characteristics of cigarette-like cigarillos on the Dutch market 2023
Correction: Reducing attractiveness of e-liquids: proposal for a restrictive list of tobacco-related flavourings 2023
Sensory appeal and puffing intensity of e-cigarette use: Influence of nicotine salts versus free-base nicotine in e-liquids 2023
Effects of providing tailored information about e-cigarettes in a digital smoking cessation intervention: randomized controlled trial 2023
Reducing attractiveness of e-liquids: proposal for a restrictive list of tobacco-related flavourings 2023
Sugars and Sweeteners in Tobacco and Nicotine Products: Food and Drug Administration’s Regulatory Implications 2022
Neuromodulatory and neurotoxic effects of e-cigarette vapor using a realistic exposure method 2022

Methodological Approaches for Risk Assessment of Tobacco and Related Products

Challenges in Predicting the Change in the Cumulative Exposure of New Tobacco and Related Products Based on Emissions and Toxicity Dose–Response Data 2022
The Joint Action on Tobacco Control: A cooperation project for strengthening tobacco control in Europe 2022
“It’s Like Jogging Next to the Highway”: A Qualitative Analysis of the Motivations and Experiences of Single-, Dual-, and Ex-Users of IQOS in The Netherlands 2022
Evolution of tobacco products: recent history and future directions 2022
Tobacco products in the European Union Common Entry Gate (EU-CEG): A tool for monitoring the EU tobacco products directive 2022
Flavours and flavourings in waterpipe products: a comparison between tobacco, herbal molasses and steam stones 2022
Comprehensive Dutch market data analysis shows that e-liquids with nicotine salts have both higher nicotine and flavour concentrations than those with free-base nicotine 2022
Variations in cigarette brand characteristics: can consumers tell the difference? 2021
Awareness, use and perceptions of cigarillos, heated tobacco products and nicotine pouches: A survey among Dutch adolescents and adults 2021
Improving the Analysis of E-Cigarette Emissions: Detecting Human “Dry Puff” Conditions in a Laboratory as Validated by a Panel of Experienced Vapers 2021
Conceptual model for the evaluation of attractiveness, addictiveness and toxicity of tobacco and related products: The example of JUUL e-cigarettes 2021
Sensory methods to evaluate perception of flavours in tobacco and other nicotine-containing products: a review 2021
Exploring Neurobehaviour in Zebrafish Embryos as a Screening Model for Addictiveness of Substances 2021
Exploring the gateway hypothesis of e-cigarettes and tobacco: a prospective replication study among adolescents in the Netherlands and Flanders 2021
Effects of Providing Tailored Information About e-Cigarettes in a Web-Based Smoking Cessation Intervention: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial 2021
Risk assessment of components in tobacco smoke and e-cigarette aerosols: a pragmatic choice of dose metrics 2021
It's all the other stuff!' How smokers understand (and misunderstand) chemicals in cigarettes and cigarette smoke 2021
Both non-smoking youth and smoking adults like sweet and minty e-liquid flavors more than tobacco flavor 2021
Feasibility of Manufacturing Tobacco with Very Low Nicotine Levels 2020
Smoking regular and low-nicotine cigarettes results in comparable levels of volatile organic compounds in blood and exhaled breath 2020
Options for waterpipe product regulation: A systematic review on product characteristics that affect attractiveness, addictiveness and toxicity of waterpipe use 2020
Tobacco smoking and smoking cessation in times of COVID-19 2020
GC-MS analysis of e-cigarette refill solutions: A comparison of flavoring composition between flavor categories 2020
Characteristic Human Individual Puffing Profiles Can Generate More TNCO than ISO and Health Canada Regimes on Smoking Machine When the Same Brand Is Smoked 2020
A Method for Comparing the Impact on Carcinogenicity of Tobacco Products: A Case Study on Heated Tobacco Versus Cigarettes 2020
Comprehensive overview of common e-liquid ingredients and how they can be used to predict an e-liquid’s flavour category 2020
E-Liquid Flavor Preferences and Individual Factors Related to Vaping: A Survey among Dutch Never-Users, Smokers, Dual Users, and Exclusive Vapers 2019
Aldehyde and VOC levels in commercial cigarette mainstream smoke are mutually related and depend on their sugar and humectant content in tobacco. 2019
Nearly 20 000 e-liquids and 250 unique flavour descriptions: an overview of the Dutch market based on information from manufacturers 2019
A Combination of Factors Related to Smoking Behavior, Attractive Product Characteristics, and Socio-Cognitive Factors are Important to Distinguish a Dual User from an Exclusive E-Cigarette User 2019
Sensory Evaluation of E-Liquid Flavors by Smelling and Vaping Yields Similar Results 2019
The Health Risks of Electronic Cigarette Use to Bystanders  2019
Analysis of manufacturer's information on tobacco product additive use. 2019
A Deliberate Choice? Exploring the Decision to Switch from Cigarettes to E-Cigarettes. 2019
Perceptions and reasons regarding E-cigarette use among users and non-users: a narrative literature review. 2018
New tobacco and tobacco-related products: Early detection of product development, marketing strategies, and consumer interest. 2018
Sensory analysis of characterising flavours: evaluating tobacco product odours using an expert panel. 2018
An e-liquid flavor wheel: a shared vocabulary based on systematically reviewing e-liquid flavor classifications in literature. 2018
Cigarette Filter Ventilation and Smoking Protocol Influence Aldehyde Smoke Yields. 2018
Effect of Adding Sugar to Burley Tobacco on the Emission of Aldehydes in Mainstream Tobacco Smoke. 2018
Cigarette design features: effects on emission levels, user perception, and behavior. 2018
A New Technique to Determine Emissions of Burley, Virginia and Oriental Tobacco Using Single Puff and Puff-By-Puff Pyrolysis. 2017
Stability and concentrations of humectants in tobacco. 2017
Website use and effects of online information about tobacco additives among the Dutch general population: a randomized controlled trial. 2017
Identification of flavour additives in tobacco products to develop a flavour library 2017
Costs and benefits of smoking (Nederlands) 2017
Costs and benefits of smoking (Engelse samenvatting) 2017
The sensory difference threshold of menthol odor in flavored tobacco determined by combining sensory and chemical analysis 2016
Sugar as Tobacco Additive Tastes ‘Bitter’ 2016
Author's response to: "Harmful effects from one puff of shisha-pen vapor: methodological and interpretational problems in the risk assessment analysis" 2016
A test strategy for the assessment of additive attributed toxicity of tobacco products 2016
An inventory of methods for the assessment of additive increased addictiveness of tobacco products 2016
An inventory of methods suitable to assess additive-induced characterising flavours of tobacco products 2015
Regulation of emissions of tobacco products other than cigarettes 2015
Potential harmful health effects of inhaling nicotine-free shisha-pen vapor: a chemical risk assessment of the main components propylene glycol and glycerol 2015
The effect of tobacco additives on smoking initiation and maintenance 2015
Simple determination of sugars in cigarettes 2014
Simple and Fast Determination of Ammonia in Tobacco 2014
Tobacco smoke-related health effects induced by 1,3-butadiene and strategies for risk reduction 2013
Hazardous compounds in tobacco smoke 2011
Subchronic inhalation of mixtures of cigarette smoke constituentss in Xpa-/-p53+/- knock-out mice: a comparison of intermittent with semi-continuous exposure to acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, and acrolein 2007
Role of acetaldehyde in tobacco smoke addiction 2007
The relation between the quantity of ammonium compounds in tobacco and the nitrogen monoxide (NO) levels in the smoke of cigarettes marketed in the Netherlands 2006
Sugars as tobacco ingredient: Effects on mainstream smoke composition 2006
Contribution of monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibition to tobacco and alcohol addiction 2006
Significance of ammonium compounds on nicotine exposure to cigarette smokers 2005
Letter to the editor 2004
Determination of nicotine and cotinine in rat plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry 2003
The role of nitric oxide in cigarette smoking and nicotine addiction 2002


WHO rapporten
Titel Uitgifte
Standard operating procedure for determination of nicotine, glycerol and propylene glycol content in the tobacco of heated tobacco products. WHO TobLabNet Official Method SOP15. 2023
WHO study group on tobacco product regulation. Report on the scientific basis of tobacco product regulation: ninth report of a WHO study group. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2023 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1047). 2023
Information sheet: measuring priority emissions in heated tobacco products, importance for regulators and significance for public health. 2021
WHO study group on tobacco product regulation: Report on the scientific basis of tobacco product regulation: eighth report of a WHO study group. 2021
Information sheet on  WHO TobLabNet methods for measuring priority contents and emissions in tobacco and related products 2020
Background paper to WHO TobReg on sugar content in tobacco products. 2019
Applicability of WHO TobLabNet SOPs 04 and 06 to measure Nicotine and Humectants in waterpipe tobacco emissions. WHO FCTC Technical Progress Report. 2018
Feasibility of manufacturing cigarettes/tobacco with reduced addictiveness potential. Report: consultation on tobacco addictiveness reduction measures, Berlin, Germany, 15–16 May 2018. 2018
Novel, new and modified tobacco or related products. Tobacco product regulation. Basic handbook. 2018
Cigarette characteristics and design features. WHO Technical report. 2017
Applicability and adaptability of the WHO Tobacco Laboratory Network standard operating procedures for cigarettes to waterpipe tobacco. WHO Technical report. 2017
Novel tobacco products, including potential reduced exposure products: research needs and recommendations. WHO Technical report. 2015


Titel Uitgifte

Beoordeling van 6-methylnicotinegehalte in nicotinezakjes

Voor- en nadelen van elektronische sigaretten (Engels) 2023
Beoordeling van het nicotinegehalte in nicotinezakjes waarbij de Acute Reference Dose niet overschreden wordt 2021
SCHEER (Wetenschappelijk Committee van opkomende en nieuwe geïdentificeerde gezondheidsrisico's), Opinie over elektronische sigaretten (Engels) 2021
De rol van smaakstoffen in aantrekkelijkheid van elektronische sigaretten (Engels) 2021
Overzicht van producten die de aantrekkelijkheid van sigaretten en shag kunnen bevorderen 2020
Eén na beste gezondheidskeuzes; Onderzoek aan twee gevallen: rookgedrag en vaccinatie van kinderen (Engels) 2020
Advies aan de Europese Commissie over type en criteria voor uitgebreide studies op te vragen aan producenten: De opinie van het wetenschappelijk committee van gezondheids-, milieu- en opkomende  risico's (SCHEER) (Engels) 2020
Aanbevelingen aan de Europese Commissie die een prioriteitenlijst van additieven implementeert die strengere rapportage eisen zou moeten hebben : de opinie van het wetenschappelijk committee van opkomende en nieuwe geïdentificeerde gezondheidsrisico's (SCENIHR) (Engels) 2017
SCHEER (Wetenschappelijk Committee van gezondheids-, milieu- en opkomende risico's), Opinie over Additieven gebruikt in tabaksproducten (Tabaksadditieven II) (Engels) 2016
HETOC Consortium, 2016. Overzicht van beste werkwijzen en ontwikkeling van testmethoden en procedures voor identificatie van karakteriserende smaken in tabaksproducten (Engels) 2016
SCENIHR (Wetenschappelijk Committee van opkomende en nieuwe geïdentificeerde gezondheidsrisico's), Additieven gebruikt in tabaksproducten (Opinie I) (Engels) 2016
Zijn additieven gebruikt in tabaksproducten onschadelijk? Samenvatting van SCENIHR rapport "Additieven gebruikt in tabaksproducten (Opinie I)" (Engels) 2016